Thursday, January 22, 2009


I swear the world has tilted off its axis this week. There has been so much going on that it feels “surreal.” I am usually good and keeping track of the day/time (which can be easily confused when you work from home on a flexible schedule) but the past few days, I haven’t kept track, I have been “going with the flow” and making the most of every minute, not caring about times, minutes, seconds…just making sure they matter.

I realized this week, that you must appreciate everything you have, because in a split second, it can all be gone. If your pet poo’s on your floor, laugh it off (but please clean is up:); if you have a work deadline, but your kid is sick, stay with your kid; if you are frustrated with your spouse for silly things, let it go/drop it; if you are on a diet, but fall off the wagon for a day, don’t worry!! Why do we think that the little things that happen in our lives make or break us?

My reality was seriously “distorted” before last Saturday; I “stressed” myself out because of little things…all it takes is an eye opening event to make you realize how good you have it. So this week I broke my routine:

-emailed my husband in the morning to say “good morning” because I was at swim practice and he worked late the night before and would not be up until after I left.

-Stayed up very late to work because I had “important” things to do – getting less than 8 hrs of sleep does not kill you.

-Slept in with my hubby and missed training because he is more important.
-Ate frozen meals, more than one day in a row.

-asked my coach for a “reduced training load”

-did not clean the apartment!

All of these things/changes may seem sooo small, which they are. The problem is I did not realize it..for me they were a detour from my “routine”. I got a good glimpse of the “real picture” this past week/weekend and can promise you I will never look at things the same way….I will appreciate every ounce of what I have because when you get “down” or think “things are bad,” they can ALWAYS get worse, so appreciate what you have, because guaranteed, many people have it worse than you do- so make sure to give thanks for everything you have, as small as it may seem.

I know this is a depressing post…I don’t want it to be sad..I consider myself a pretty happy person. I am a very happy person, but sometimes I catch myself off-guard complaining/ranting about things/events that bother me, but in the whole scheme of thing means nothing! So for everyone out there who figures complaining is a way to make yourself feel better, think about all you have, and if it was taken away, what that would you really do….

Cheers everyone, be thankful for what you have!