Saturday, June 19, 2010

Baby Shower!!

Whoaa…this is unacceptable!! 3 weeks past and no blog entry!!...and no, I did not go into labor and have Emma, so sorry to keep you all in suspense. Basically, I was hit with a classic case of “life happening” and have been up to my ears in “stuff” that I will not bore you with.

There are so many fun things that have been happening and I have a back-log of them to share, but I would like to start with the most fun! My baby-shower!!

And no, it was not at Babies R Us…..

Well, in classic Menvielle fashion, we did not have the “traditional” baby shower with pastels , women and “virgin” mimosas. Instead, my good friends Laura (Super God Mamma!), Jenni and Heather put on the most awesome shin-dig that involved a co-ed guest list, lots of good food, fun prizes and booze!! (not for me….a few more weeks to go).

To give you an idea of what the “Treat” bowl contained

And since the World Cup is going on, Gregory had lots to discuss (or harass) with his Euro counterparts….I don’t think I saw him for most of the evening until it came time to play “games” and reveal what “Panamax” means…yes, that is his nickname for me at the moment. Stay tuned for the answer. Of course, he was fully present when it came time to open gifts. Let’s just say that our little Emma is going to be one spoiled rotten kid who is already loved by many! Gregory and I joke that we have so many friends and family lined up to take care of Emma that it will be weeks at a time between seeing her!

To give you an idea of what our little Emma received and will be sporting in a few months check out Erin Kummers blog.

Speaking of being spoiled. What an awesome experience to be pampered and taken care of. I cannot begin to thank Laura, Jenni and Heather for organizing such a fun party and taking care of Gregory, Emma and I.

After the shower it really hit home that we are almost “there”…how the time has flown! In a little over 6 weeks we will have a new little person in our household.

I took some time today to upload some photos of the pregnancy “start to 34th week” documenting my “bump.” Wow, I am disgusted with myself. Really!! I mean what the heck was I thinking sharing pictures of myself at 11, 14, 18 weeks pregnant??....Looking back and seeing how big I am now, I would have strangled me if I was the one being sent those pictures. I would give anything to be that “small” again. The funniest part is the stupid grin on my face because I was so proud of my “bump”…well folks, now it is a “bump” now and thank you for sparing my life when I complained that my jeans were getting tight.

All of that being said, I do know that I am not “huge” and am carrying this pregnancy well. I am fortunate in the fact that Emma takes up more vertical space than horizontal at the moment. Sometimes that leads to weird wheezing sounds from my squished lungs and only being able to eat an apple at a time, but at least I am not swollen like the michilan man….yet. I am just happy I can still fit a turkey hot-dog in my belly. All joking aside there has been the ups and downs but when I feel those little hands and feet moving around in my belly, everything melts away.

Finally, a big shout out to my wonderful husband. I know I joke about our relationship a lot and many of you who read this blog may wonder “who is this man!!” …Sometimes I wonder that too….just kidding! For those of you who do know my husband, you know that he is kind, funny and sensitive (well..I a pushing it a little there..he’s French). He is my best friend and my support. I am wishing Gregory a very happy “Premier” Father’s Day. Tomorrow Emma and I will be cooking dinner to celebrate; and no it is not going to be turkey hot dogs and macaroni and cheese. I might actually try something “non-processed”…that all depends on whether or not he helps me roll over in bed tonight since I cannot do that anymore on my own….

For a little fun, here are some of the fun questions asked/answered during the “game” portion of the baby shower:

Other Names Considered: Madeleine, Madison, Lee, Aurelie, Amber, Chantilly (this is a means whip cream in French)

Belly Circumference: 37 inches

Biggest Food Craving: Turkey Hot Dogs

What I weigh right now: 162 lbs

How many pints of gelato I average in a week: 3

How many strollers Gregory broke at Babies R Us: 4

My pregnant minute/mile pace while running : 10 min/mile

What is a Panamax (Gregory’s nickname for me since I was upgraded from Shamu)?: Super-tanker

How many birthing preparation classes Gregory and/or I have attended?: 0

Food I never ate before but love now: Avocado & hot dogs!

Is my belly-button an innie or outie? Innie still

Food I miss the most: sushi